Church is intended to be a united body of believers but unfortunately due to our human nature and the selfishness that comes with human nature, our own agendas have divided Christians since nearly the beginning of the Christian faith. That does not mean that we should be complacent and say “well it’s been this way for thousands of years” but instead today we should attempt to bring about unity and that needs to start here. We are a small but growing part of the Body of Christ that will not continue to grow much longer unless we come together regardless of our differences. If we cannot overcome the differences amongst us then how can we overcome the differences between those of us that are here and those out there?
Within this body we should be united by the fact that each of us is a child of God. This is the very basic truth and very basic concept that should unite us. There are far more similarities than just that. As a group of God’s children we should then be a family and a family should be united. When one thinks about the idea of a family there should also be the thought of love. I know this is not always true of all families…maybe it’s not true in your family. Nonetheless it should be and maybe through the messages and lessons that God will provide you through Scripture and the fellowship with other believes then we can come to understand what love is and how to live that love so others can see it including your family. Regardless of what type of family background you are coming from, whether loving or unloving, here in this place love should reign true.
God, amongst other characteristics, is love. In fact, all his character is tied into love. God is forgiving, God is merciful, God is just. As the Church, we really should be love so that we can be a reflection of God so others can have a chance to know the truth. Through love we can be united and a family. Through love others might join this family. Through love this neighborhood might change for the good. But what would that kind of unity look like?
Acts 4:32-37
I wonder quite a bit how many Christians read a passage like that and consider that those people really did sell everything and really did make sure that there was no poverty amongst them. When you look at the lifestyle of most Americans that might be a difficult thing to do. We all have more than many in the world have even though probably a lot of us here don’t necessarily have as much as many other Americans. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t definitely needs amongst us that maybe could be met if we were more careful about the things we buy. If I sold the DvDs or CDs I own would that help someone eat tonight? Or maybe allow them to have a roof over their head? It very well could and if I can resist the desire to own these things then maybe there would be a change for the good. If nothing else, the example of these people is probably just about as important as their actions. They were willing to sell everything so that there would be no poverty. Are we willing to at least unite together to help those in need amongst and around us?
All of us know people who have needs and all of us can do something even if it’s small to help those in need. It should not matter if you and the other person might have a disagreement. There will be disagreements in a family but love needs to overcome those differences and disagreements. This place is a regular old building but there is something that makes it special. What makes it special is that we meet here as the Church, the body of Christ. We meet as a family in this place. Yes, there will be some disagreements that may come between us. This is not the place to hash out those differences in a destructive way. One can disagree with another even in their love for each other. Our love for each other is part of why this place is special and should be treated with a certain level of respect and in that respect we should be respectful to each other even when we are in disagreement with another amongst the family here. I believe that we can work together to get through disagreements constructively in unity and in such a way that we can build each other up. By showing mercy and grace to each other when we are wronged or cannot agree we will show love. That is a way that those around us in this neighborhood can also maybe experience God. That will certainly strengthen the bond of this family. It might help others who might be looking for somewhere to belong to feel welcome here even if they may be quite different from us in here. That love of God should compel us to do whatever we can to help each other and others around us regardless how big or small the need is and no matter how much or little we can give to help.
Acts 2:43-47
Those spoken of in these scriptures as well as those in Acts 4 I am sure where a diverse group of people. Some amongst them were poor while others may have been wealthy. They appear to have an understanding of the differences between needs and wants so that they could meet the needs to ensure that others could eat or sleep somewhere and have something to wear. They did not need to have whatever would have been designer outfits of that time. They just needed clothing. They did not need a mansion but a place to sleep in shelter from the wind or the rain or snow or whatever weather was going on out there. There is not a need for soda or candy or even the top brand name foods but they certainly needed food and water and that was provided to satisfy the desire of hunger and quench the thirst. This group of people took the words of Jesus very seriously and came to understand love but they didn’t stop with the understanding. They began to live it in such a way that they were serving others with that love. They went as far as to sell all they had to allow for others to have their needs met. Like I said before, the example of the action I think is almost as important as what they did. Also I believe that the faith they showed in trusting that God would provide enough for their need is also something important for us in these Scriptures. I wonder if it was at all difficult for them to come to that point of faith and trust in God…I wonder how much faith it would take for us to believe and trust that God will provide and in those provisions can we care enough about each other to share so that there would be enough for everyone amongst us? I desire to come to understand that myself and to come to understand what is enough.
Such understanding takes time of fellowship and study with other believers so that we can take these ideas we find in Scripture and bounce them off each other to hopefully gain clearer understanding of what Christ would desire of us. It was recorded in the Gospels that Jesus had a conversation with his disciples regarding unity as it relates to the Kingdom of Heaven. It seems that the Kingdom of Heaven has upside down or backwards logic. I think that is because we aren’t looking at it the way God sees it. The last will be first; the leader is the servant.
Mark 10:42-45
42 So Jesus called them together and said, "You know that in this world kings are tyrants, and officials lord it over the people beneath them. 43 But among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all. 45 For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many."
Just prior to Jesus calling the group of disciples together, two disciples, the sons of Zebedee called James & John or in Matthew’s account their mother, came to Jesus and asked to be placed in seats of honor in the Kingdom of God and that offended the other ten disciples. I can understand why they might be offended. It would be like a small group of people had one defined leader. In that small group where everyone but the leader had the same basic standing and brought an equal amount to the group then one or two of them asked to be elevated in importance above the rest. This may not have been the intention of the other two but that is how the disciples saw it and it caused discontentment amongst the entire group. Jesus then began to explain how things work in the Kingdom of Heaven where it was revealed that we, the followers of Jesus Christ, should serve others. That is love & that brings about unity.
Love is not a selfish thing. It is not a means to get something from someone else or at least it shouldn’t be. 1 Corinthians 13 lays it out pretty much and in there I see nothing about selfishness or a “me first” attitude. If we truly love God and love each other then we need to start thinking about each other…even before our selves at times. This is not to say necessarily to give everything you have away to the point that you cannot survive. It is pretty clear in the Acts scriptures that as a united body there would be enough to go around. One day one person might have a certain need that another could have a way to meet the need. Maybe the next day the person that met the need might come to find themselves in need and another person or even the person from before who’s needs were met might have what it would take to meet the needs of the needy.
It is obvious there is a lot that divides humanity throughout the world. The same is true just in this neighborhood let alone the city, county, state, & country. We have a diverse blend of cultures, races, & backgrounds economic or otherwise surrounding this location that certainly can and has caused tension but it does not have to be that way. Just because something has been a certain way for a very long time does not make it right nor does it mean it cannot be changed. Sometimes we have a mindset from which we cannot break free very easily and that mindset may not be one that is godly. Maybe it has been something that we lived with for so long that it is our nature but does that make it right or excusable? No. Others certainly should have patience in dealing with it but we also should do the best we can to break free from that bondage through the help of Christ especially after we are aware of the problems it might cause. No, we won’t likely be perfect in every situation and when we mess up we need to come ask forgiveness of the brother or sister we have offended and work through the differences as a unity body of Christians. If we can’t unite then why would others want to come be part of this? Jesus Christ is something that we should desire not just for ourselves but to share with anyone and everyone else we meet. There are tactful ways of sharing Christ with those around us. Some may not want anything to do with Christ and that’s ok…just pray that Christ will be revealed in a special way for those people that don’t want to hear about the truth. When we do not present ourselves as a united family though, it makes the Christ we know and love much less desirable to those around us that are seeing the disunity.
People desire unity. It is evident in so many areas of life. There are certain music scenes, there are gangs, and there is a common bond amongst sports fans of certain teams…sometimes a common bond with others just to be against a certain team as well. Unfortunately, oftentimes the unity found there causes division elsewhere.
In Christ, sadly there is also division but it doesn’t have to be that way. We need to commit to loving each other the way Christ described through serving each other. We can be like the united brothers and sisters described in Acts 2 and 4. I for one am tired of seeing division and desire to see this body be united together in such away that no matter who comes through that door they would be welcomed and loved. Even if it is someone’s worst enemy I desire to see that person shown the love of Christ. Even if another culture group that maybe has oppressed people in this room in the past, even if they come through that door I desire to see the love of Christ showered on them. I believe that if we can do that then we will change this neighborhood, and on up until the world is changed. This takes time so we will need patience as we are obedient to the call to love each other and be united. It starts here amongst us that we might love each other so strongly that no disagreement will break that bond nor will we be able to withhold forgiveness when we are wronged. Let’s learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. Let’s learn in our disagreements what it means to be united and free in Christ to love each other and those all around us.