Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can You Help Get 86ministries Started?

Some of you may remember back in April I had sent out several emails regarding a new ministry and concert venue that I was quite excited about and excited to be part of called 86ministries. The last email I sent was regarding the purchase of the building. 86ministries has not entirely secured the purchase of the building yet. $10,000 was put down with an agreement to come up with another $40,000 by July 17th and in the meantime we would begin to prepare the building for our purposes. In the time since, we were able with the help of volunteers to clean out the entire building of trash and remove some walls that were water damaged. From the time we came in until now, the building has undergone a huge improvement but we had an urgent financial hurdle to overcome; the $50,000 down payment for the building was due by July 17th.  As of last week, we had secured $36,500 of the $50,000 required, leaving a balance of $13,500 to be raised.
Many of you joined us in prayer for this need to be met by July 17th.
Well, God answered our prayers...but not exactly how we expected.  Due to the sellers not having the land contract completed and submitted to us for legal counsel to review, an extension had to be filed so we now have a new due date of 7/26.  We thank God for miraculously providing us with more time to raise the balance due.
I know many of you are like me and don't have a lot of extra cash sitting around. First and foremost, we believe in the goodness of God and that God wouldn't give this vision and bless us with the means to get this far without following through to the end as long as we are also faithful to follow God's leading. Prayers are important and it would be awesome if you could join with us in prayer that God will provide as is promised in Scripture. Anything that anyone can give will help tremendously so if you are able to help us out in anyway, Please contact Chris Human at #513.368.6554 orchris@86ministries.com . If you happen to be or know any of the following that are local to Cincinnati please contact Chris as well.

Are you a business owner?
Are you friends with a business owner?
Do you regularly support a local business?

Would you consider providing us with the names of business owners that we might approach regarding advertising or sponsorship?  The 86 club is located just one block from University of Cincinnati's campus with 38,000 students who could be exposed to their brand.  Additionally, we would love to speak with anyone who sees the benefit in the mission of 86 Ministries.  86 Ministries is impacting community and culture through positive alternatives for students and young adults.  Together, with your help, we can make a difference.  Please contact Chris at #513.368.6554 orchris@86ministries.com .
Do you have 2 friends that you would forward this message to?
Thank you for your support and prayers, again I know that many of you receiving this from me don't have this kind of money sitting around but I appreciate you reading this and believe that in a week there will be rejoicing to be shared with all of you as we move forward!

Joel Swanson

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